Friday 17 August 2012

The kind of craft you can eat

The small girl had her school concert this week.

Evie's year level did a great job of Seussical.
The baby elephant bird was excellent
(and I may be am definitely very biased with my review)

3 cheers for school.

It was another grand performance - thanks BNPS.
To congratulate the kids in Evie's class,
 I made them a book...... 

out of cake!!
What is there not to love about an edible book?

Thursday 2 August 2012

Epic pattern fail

So, it's been ages since I last posted. I have officially been in a "craft funk". 

I'm blaming the slippers. 

Have you ever tried a pattern and known deep down that it wasn't going to work....
however, you push on, using up precious crafting time, fabric and brain cells and think 
somehow, miraculously, it will be ok, surely they'll work - the pattern is in a book after all.

They weren't. 

I completely had a spaz - and that was only after the left foot!!!

So now I find myself in August and the only thing I have made in the last 7 weeks
has been Evie's school concert costume (and that is a baby elephant bird).

I went out and bought some slippers so now I can put the whole episode out of mind
and get on with some more sewing. Phew!